Friday, May 29, 2009

Some More Art

Since I have been hanging out with two awesome kids all week, I have been reminded by why I have used them as both inspiration and subject matter in some of my past pieces.

I made this piece second semester of freshman year (Spring 2007). The assignment was to make a survival kit. I interviewed 3 year olds and asked them if they were going to be stranded on an island and could only take two things, what would they take. The responses I got were: chicken and lots of papers, grapes and stuffed animals, a football and ice cream cones, popcorn and snugglies. I used the childrens' responses as inspiration to make the survival kits. I then hung the pieces on hooks that you would find in a preschool at a child's height. This piece was so much fun!

A close up.

I made this piece for my furniture design class in the Fall of 2008. The chair itself is a puzzle for children. It is made up of four parts (the seat, backrest, and two sides) that come apart. I am still very excited about this idea, however I feel as though it needs some tweaking.

*please excuse the quality of the phototgraphs!

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