Monday, June 22, 2009

Grace Johnston

Being in the art program at VCU, I have encountered many many talented people. It's amazing what people can come up with and create. It's so inspiring to be around such creative people. One of the most talented people I have been around is my friend and Rockbridge County native, Grace DuVal Johnston. Grace is very talented in many artisitic fields including photography, graphic design, sculpture, etc. But she is most known for her fashion and wearable art. Grace has won many competitions in the field of wearable art and is travelling to New Zealand in September for the international Wearable Art show. Here are some of my favorites of her wearable art pieces, but you should definitely check out her great new website and blog!

Wooden dress in which the skirt is movable (as seen in the picture)

The tomato dress!

Rubber glove dress

And for the infamous peacock dress!


  1. I love love love her stuff! I might have to blog about it too!!!

  2. thanks for the plug Doug :) <333
